The process of building and renovating affords me an interesting position that I hold in high regard. I am responsible for creating new spaces and re-creating old ones while caring for the needs and interests of the day to day life of our customers. It is critical that the process take the human factor into account. As owner of Near Shore Builders, Inc. I play the parts of Architect, Engineer, Product R & D, Project manager, and Therapist. I need to be able to hear about a customers interests for their new space, move the process forward, and make sure daily lives are disrupted as little as possible. Everything from morning routines to site cleanliness to parking space needs to be factored in when trying to create a positive overall experience. That is my job and is at the forefront of every decision I make. If the customer feels at ease, the finished product will be produced easier for everyone. It has taken years of experience for me to understand when and how the process can be changed for the customers care while considering schedules and quality. This experience is what I bring to the job site everyday and what makes the difference between a job done and a process enjoyed.